Sunday, October 21, 2012

Adventure, Pain & Cheap Thrills....

What more could one want in life?

This blog theme song is:    Ride the Pain

Now why this one?  Well a couple reasons.  Everytime we, being the Bee Merry Gals, go on our weekend adventures of healing the land, Shelli makes a trip themed mix CD.  This song was on this one and it makes me very happy and bouncy.  The other reason you will find if you read further..

Our trip was up in the Northern parts unknown to most people not in state or for me for that matter cause we were way up in Northern Wisconsin of all places yet still on the great Lake Superior.  Now if it weren't so friggin cold up on the lake in winter I would gladly live there alas I want to keep my nipples intact.

Our first stop along the way was Spirit Mountain where we have been doing work before.  We went up to see the damage from the flooding up there and OMG, it was intense.   Where you see my head is where the road should be..  This is where my ride the pain adventure begins.

Now for those not in the know I have for 25 years or so had chronic myofasia pain and fibromyalgia along with 2 bulging disks so there is that but two weeks prior to this trip my dog took me on a magical mystery flying carpet ride over the railing of our front steps onto my back and thankfully not onto our smaller dog.  So, I am pretty much still in manageble pain right there. sort of.

So what does Theresa do?  Can you guess?  Theresa hears in her head, "Climb down into the ravine by the water Theresa"

So like any spiritually minded person or nut if you will, I listen to said voice and made my way down.  Interesting trek fairly easy getting down but then I'm climbing all over these lovely rocks, bending down to collect water, using muscles that are definately in flare up mode from 2 weeks prior and I'm about oh, 2 stories down.  Starting to feel it now.

So I look up and think, damn the climb up should be easy right?  Yes and no.  Climbing over all the rocks with searing pain in my L4 & L5 was the really hard part but once got to solid ground I took my time going up and finally reached the bridge.  Whew, sat down for a moment took a Vicodin, 6 Ibuprofen and took a breather.  Now we are a tight group and we leave no man behind so Carol hung out with me while I chilled for a minute then got up and made our way back to the van.  Off we went....

Travelled over to Wisconsin and saw a very cool windmill then made our way to the cabin.  We were in Port Wing right on Lake Superior.  

We made our way to one beach area the waves were splashing (a very exciting happy time for me) but yet again I have to climb down stairs to the beach.  MOST worth it at this time.  I was in rock and driftwood heaven!

Ever see the movie The Dark Crystal?  This piece of driftwood reminds me of the highly spiritual being The urRu / Mystics.  See the resemblence?

If there had been room in the van you can bet your ass I would have had that driftwood in there.  I then walked the beach, note to self:  walking in sand really works those muscle we talked about earlier, and Carol spotted some bear tracks and some wolf tracks.  So, of course I had to take a picture of me walking with Bear and Wolf.

Get to our little cabin on the lake and we start to unload the vehicles and enjoy the sunset......

By now , I'm really starting to feel it.....but we had to go out to dinner.  By the time we did get to the cabin the pain levels were around the 15 level and I would have killed for morphine or a bear to eat me so it wouldn't be an issue anymore.   Did I say tears?  Oh yes, there were lots of tears.....

So much so that I slept outside in the 3 season type building on the couch by my lonesome.  The rest of this blog shall be continued......

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