Monday, February 14, 2011

Dwelling In The Woods, Silent Retreat with Harmony, Part 2

What is your Quest?
What do you Seek?

 My answer......THIS!

Just being.....with no electromagnetic overloads from t.v.'s, video games, etc.  Nothing but a simple existence free from distraction.  No stress, No worry, just PEACE & QUIET.  The calm within.  I have no restless leg symptoms here, no anxiety.  Unfortunately reality is that I can't be totally away from it.  I have to find this within myself.  I have to be able to call upon this serenity whenever I require it....  My Holy Grail...

What is my Quest?        Connection to my Spiritual Light
What do I Seek?           My inner Buddha the Silence within my own soul
                                    Reconnect with Source

I sat for the longest time contemplating that question.  All too soon morning will come and I will have to leave this Heaven on Earth...

 It's 10:42 p.m. everyone is sleeping and I'm feeling the tension is building in my shoulders as I contemplate going home.  I want to stay here forever...

But before I go to bed this night...I felt the need to rock my socks off outside in the cold, fresh air, in my car rocking away to the hot jams (always inspirational) of D.J. Shelli.......  Rock On Dude.

 Day Three

 It's 5:35 a.m., Up with the birds again, stripped down my bed into a neat little bundle to take to the office.  Got all my things organized and carried the larger items to my car and put them in the trunk....

Came in and I smell coffee brewing away...hum, Harmony is also up?  Sneaky woman must sense my apprehension.  I go and make something to eat but it doesn't taste the same.

I go outside the back door and feed the black capped chickadee's some bread crumbs and leave out some pieces of banana for the squirrels.  The chickadee comes swooping so close I can almost touch him but just out of reach.  I think I felt him swoop and touch my scarf in Thanks.  So I stand back and let him come down to have a snack.

I know he is telling me I will be back. 

 This weekend reminds me of all the times in my youth when we lived in Red Wing when I would climb the bluff behind our house to my favorite Birch Tree.  The limb of this tree extended way out over the drop off and I would climb up on it, way out and just sit.  I loved that tree.  I would also climb higher on the bluff to a meadow area and just sit in the center.  Just BE.  I have no fear of the woods or the critters within it.  I know the rules and am one with them.  Being so different from my own family, not fitting in there for sure.  I fit in more with nature, it nurtures it's occupants in a wonderful symbiotic way.  No judgements.  Everything flows as one and everything is different in it's own way but perfect just the way it is.  To many people in this world need to learn the lessons that can be found here.  Maybe there would be a little bit more Love and Acceptance in the World for those who are "different".

My inner power lies deep within the woods.  In the plants, trees, birds, animals and all the creepy crawly's. Although wood ticks have their place I would prefer to avoid them. ;)   I understand the cycles of life in those woodland areas.  Death of one brings life to the next.  Each symbiotic organism working toward the better good of all.  

I need to begin at home...change the inner sanctum and make a sacred space.  Remove the CHAOS! 

I am going to be making plans after I graduate to spend some time doing Service at The Dwelling In The Woods.   At least 2 weeks to start...;)

Would I recommend a stay at The Dwelling In The Woods?  Have you read this?

YES.........It may be difficult at first especially if your a "A" type personality that is constantly busy, busy, busy and on the go but......... if you surrender to the process, the benefits you will receive are immense. 


  1. :)

    I did feel your apprehension., but honored it. Do you understand what I mean? It was your search, your process and you knew I was there, had you needed or wanted me.

    Please feel free to let others know what I am led to do if you think it will help. Guide them to the web site. I say this out of service to my purpose, not for gain of any other sort.

    Wink.....I KNEW you'd want to go and assist there! :)

  2. Which is why I left the note on the board....Didn't want to take off without saying Good-bye.
