Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Meditation

One of the things I have learned on the Silence Retreat was how I actually meditate.  It comes out with creativity.

I was inspired and went out to buy a HUGE canvas.  And thus the process begins.

Simple enough.  Getting in touch with the Mother Goddess within the woods.  The sun the moon the trees....

Getting rooted into the earth, feeling the pulse of the Mother coming up through my feet.  Opening the inner wisdom that all life is interconnected.  Blossoming forth from the womb of creation.

Until, the completion....

It is through the act of creating, painting, sculpting that I realize my inner rambling voice is quieted.  My focus is steady and I am truly meditating at this point.  It took this painting inspired by silence and the stillness of the woods that I realized, I already know how to meditate.  I know how to quiet the mind.  It was there all the time.  It just took a Spiritual Doula and a Wood Pecker to wake me up to it...

I feel blessed.


  1. Well said, Goddess! This work is INCREDIBLE and BEAUTIFUL and INSPIRING!

    I love your realization "it was there all the time"...there's that inner teacher!

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Oh this is AWESOME hon! Yes, this is truly an outpouring of yourself...the beauty that was there all along. Thank you so much for sharing this, and for reminding me how much the Goddess means to me, and how the Goddess is in all of us!

  3. I LOVE THIS!! Love the painting (as we've already talked about *wink wink*) but I love how you came to such a beautiful aha moment in your life. I think most tend to forget every now and then just how amazing we each are and what amazing things we can do and accomplish. Thank you for that reminder, T!
