Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Black night of the mind

Walls bending in warped vice grips
Into darkness I succumb.

I'm entering a very dark, dark, dark state of mind.  I could be crazy but crazy people don't know they are crazy so there is that.

So, just to rant away, I shall.

I feel most like the solitary wanderer in the wastelands of life.  I'm tired both physically and mentally with this thing called existence.  Cosmic craziness pushing down constantly, pulling and pushing and tearing me to shreds.  To be very honest, I have had for over a week constant suicidal thoughts.  The sweet dirt nap is looking really good.  But lets face it, I won't follow through as that would take more effort than my body has at this point.

Of course I don't talk about it as who the hell wants to follow me down the rabbit hole of darkness.  No one in their right mind.  I'm tired of trying to make connections with people and still remaining on the outskirts, wayyyyyyyyyyy over there.  I sometimes, well lets face it, always wonder what the hell is wrong with me but in the immortal words of my husband, "Whatever".

I find myself set off in anger mode reading the happy happy positive messages I read on FB.  Try as I might to keep that positive attitude it makes me want to pull my spine out right now.  I feel totally shut out, shut down, lackluster ed, as I feel my body just cave inward to escape the pain.  But again, Whatever.

I should just go live in a cave in Tibet and maybe that would help....Don't know

Feeling lost.......

Update:  At 11:00 a.m. these words popped into my head......
"The Dark Night of the Soul"  Google it..  Big light bulb moment.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm not a smoker Babaganoush Bloggery.

Day two, which I might add seems like day 4 thousand 3 hundred 44 days . 3.  This is truely maddening.  OOOOOO, confession is good for the soul...

Like every good alcoholic a people who don't smoke also keep a stash around JUST IN CASE.  now this stash isn't a nice fresh long lung bayonet but a squished one from an ashtray long ago that contains possibly 2 puffs of nerve gas.  What an odd realization...

There I confessed to it, two puffs of a nasty, God only knows how old, nerve gas butt.  I then proceeded to cleanse myself of said evil temptation by burning loose sage and wafting it around my body and head.  Of that I shall say that my body and brain are so far dist-ached it is most like my neck holding the string to the balloon head floating along above bouncing off the walls, trees, etc. only I spend most of my time in my room a"AVOIDING" people who piss me off naturally right now cause I want to come back to a semi harmonious home.

It has come down to texting.  Early morning text goes like Alyssa   ring ring ring,  "DOGS"   yup that is all there is....she has now been trained that this word alone signals that she is to take the dogs outside to go wee.  Much better for me too as I don't have to scream through these very thin walls so she can actually ignore me better.  As for my beloved, Loki, to alleviate my anger at him I put him in a kennel with a plate of food to eat and just went to bed.  Can't be with me, sleep with me, nothing till you EAT as it is sending me over the edge thinking of Friday's very possible negative outcome.

I have visions of epic battles rolling in my brain of little WWII Bayonet cigarettes with their spiffy hats on coming out of the trenches fighting to 400 foot set of very disturbing looking lungs.  Little red cross white blood cell dudes with their accordion pumps pumping up the jam, pump it up a little harder and you might do that....BAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAGANOUSHHHHHHHHHHH 

Lets face it I just got so tired of writing Mentos Babaganoush as many times as the thought pops in.....I may has well have it on speed type at this point.

I shall elaborate later when fucking google images comes through for me...they are so slow on this connections.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm not Smoking Babaganoush Bloggery

Nope still day one.  SHIT.

I am however starting to calm down a little bit....mentos and I am sure the help of ativan assisted in doing that for now.  In between the sleeping through it, rocking like a lunatic in a straight jacket taking prisoner against her WILL and constant tapping of feed together I'm doing fairly o.k. depending on what subject you should bring up to me as this week has some serious heavy duties choices to make which make me very depressed and angry. Mentos Babaganoush Mentos Mentos Mentos Mentos.....

I shall buy stock in Mentos me thinks till of course the foul resurrection of taste buds comes creeping into the night at which time I will no longer be able to eat anything as everything tastes like you have poured 500 tons of salt or pepper on it.  I will most likely be living on instant GMO's and salad with no dressing.  Mentos 

So, now that I have calmed down for a second or two I shall share with you the very SURREAL kinda WONKY world of my hypnosis.  Damn, I am feeling like I am going to say something smart and witty and I don't smoke Babaganoush pass the mento.

We shall call my hypnotist the Hatter, only because I adore him and we go down into the trenches etc. etc.and I believe in anonymity unless said forthwith person should choose to become known in his true name, so not my choice.  Then my paranoid side says, Hey wait a minute....Government mind control uses images of Alice in 'Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz to get control of you so I am on high alert now.  Yes, I have an obvious paranoid side...ask anyone who truly knows me unless it is a family member than I will deny the fact.

O.K. back to point.  This hypnosis stuff is strangely familiar, a bit silly in parts but a very real state of consciousness.  It is when one gets to the silly stuff that my analytical mind starts turning on and analysing the process of what is going on.  I know I'm out but I also know that my eyes are open and I am aware of what is being asked of me and kind of go along for the ride so to speak.  Then out I go again.  Now I'm not going to give you absolute specifics as to what happens that takes away the fun of doing it for yourself...and you know you want to try this for yourself.  At least you do if your truly serious about making a change/transformation.  I WAS STUCK IN A RUT DRAGGING MY BUTT...  sorry for that outburst.  My lovely daughter is making me mashed GMO's to eat...sometimes she actually wuvs me...sometimes.

MENTOS.....So part of the process included meeting your higher self/guide and meeting your angels/spirit guides and getting messages in trance state.  I had an idea of who would come through I shall share the messages that came through for me to write down and keep....

Up first:

My higher selfs agreement:
I will go weightless every time life, anxiety, despair try to take over your life.  We will be weightless.   WEIGHTLESS...

Now my higher self/guide Ms. Carthwrite and Nyla...

Their message to me:

Child....don't you know Nyla and I are always here to support and love you?  You are never without us.  Stop punishing yourself Darling.  No need for it.  Perfect just the way you are.
You have lots to share child, lots of love but you need to Trust.  Don't need no fear with Nyla walking next to you.  Relax and Breathe.
You is loved always and forever and you can do anything you set your mind to.  Just get out cha own way.  you are special, now know it, feel it, live it.

Nyla and I love you Always,
Ms. Cartwright.

The final message was from spirit guides and I'm like super tired so here goes quick.

We will always be with you.  Al you need do is ask.  You have a hard time asking for help, this we know but we will never deny you.  We are here to bring to you your highest good.

We love you and your spirit this is why we choose you.  Your light is bright let it shine.

O.K., now if the crazy shadow people would stop walking past me....I shall sleep now....

The I Don't Smoke Babaganoush Bloggery.

This day, 31st of August in the year of our Lord, 2011, is and shall hereby always remain in effect for all purposes etc. etc. Day 1 of I don't smoke Babaganoush Bloggery.

Everytime you see the words:  Mentos, Babaganoush these are the times that my mind looks to the left or right for a  white thing to put in my mouth.  Watch how often when I am even trying to be creative it creeps it's ugly head.  I shall cap/italise so that you know it is the inner voices making their demands.

I was/am/could be/perhaps by chance was a hard wired smoker.  I say hard wired because every friggin little thing I do from waking in the morning with cig in mouth,Mentos, before even rolling over to walking into the bathroom, brushing my death, and being creative all involved that damn appendage/crutch/mutant growth hanging precariously from my lip usually dropping it's waste products upon my shirt in which to permanently mark me with a big hole Mentos....This bitch is mine.  This in effect means that as I sit here typing and trying ever so hard to be witty there is an obsessive need Mentos to find that white stick of torture but instead I am chewing voraciously I may add on Mentos after Mentos after Mentos reminding myself in my head, I don't smoke Babaganoush.

The interesting thing about using hypnosis to remind you that you don't smoke and never have is it allowed for some reason my inner anger to manifest.  My self loathing that was contained in the paper wrapped bundle that should be sacred but like all things sacred is reduced to a mass of chemically laden hand fulls of beans, which I may add really pissed off, Jack of Jack and the Beanstalk fame.  I don't smoke Babaganoush/Mentos and Weightless.  Don't get me wrong I am taking this whole process VERY seriously and this is just my attempts to use my tools as I'm creating because I'm being bombarded with signals from the trenches, "Hey, you would be so much more creative if you smoked."  "But I don't smoke, Babaganoush".

I shall push through this momentary struggle as in doing so I create creation without "them" so to speak.  I push myself, testing 1,2,3 and although I sound like a raving lunatic and quite possibly am, I am not.  It is the inner monolog going on in my head that I make you privy too.

Don't you feel the most LUCKY AND SPECIAL? 

Back again to anger......sssspt.  Surprisingly to me.....while I was under and enormous amount of rage and fury was coming up and out even my little pores.  (Mentos) Now the gentleman I'm working with is great and I shall continue to work with him.  We aren't using a traditional hypnosis protocol which is cool cause it works faster but it also at least for me, brought up into my awareness how insidious my sub conscious works me.  Babaganoush.  (Insert intermission to find appropriate music to drown out and confuse the inner enemy.)

Mentos.....Back to the anger.....the sticks not only were connected with removing my anxiety but they played a very large part in containment of stuffed down, way down in the trenches anger.  Imagine the gutter lid laying on the's hot, humid and the steam is rising from the holes in the lid.....  my lid is if I should, Babaganoush, seem oh, angry, avoidant, snippy isn't about is about me learning to deal with these things without my crutch, Babaganoush.  I had someone mention to me and I do realise their was love behind the comment but the comment in my frame of mind, "think about the destination" set off a huge rolling inner dialog of well, words not acceptable in polite society. Mentos MF Babaganoush it's ALL ABOUT THE JOURNEY.....the destination is just the perk, the mint on your pillow top, the dangling doggy treat to distract you from what the FUCK is causing the need/want/compulsion to do what your doing.  If I am not paying attention to the Journey how the hell does one see and become aware of and deal with the triggers that Babaganoush got me in this vicious circle in the first place...  I love denial but I like to throw it I prance like a pretty pony through town shouting from the rooftops my "secrets".  Did I say, I am the black sheep?  Yea..Mentos 

I know have figured out why white sticks were impossible for me to let go....Alcoholism....stopped no treatment no problem at 20 mind you.  9 years on prescription Oxycontin/Oycodone.....stopped no problem no treatment.  I don't smoke Babaganoush was my dynamite sticks.  My inner rage and well, self loathing....and they are now screaming,  "WHO IN THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!

OOOOOOlalalalalalalala.  so now, I am hoping to make a daily I don't smoke Babaganoush blog to let my mind fumble and flit about as I therapize myself through the dynamite sticks....   I love a good fight.  Mentos...Babaganoush

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Time for Some Brutal Honesty, Forgive Me Father for I have Sinned.

The world is full of good intentions.  Today I read a note that was full of these good intentions, that we should not focus on the negative things going on in the world as we can make them reality and fear sets in...Something along those lines.  This woman has wonderful, beautiful intentions but inside I think, "Wait a minute....good intentions are great but if we ignore the shadow side of life aren't we just doing what those in power want us to do?"  

If we only focus on the positive and sending out loving energy and spend no time focusing on the shadow side of life, we are the Sheeple..  Blindly following the road of good intentions which is what they want.  If I don't see it, it won't be a reality.  Fear is an illusion.  Knowledge is power and with knowledge I don't have to buy into the illusion of Fear.  It is a I want to manifest that fear or not.  I have spent most of my 48 years blindly walking away from the shadow side as if it didn't exist but it does and until we can look it in the face and embrace it for what it is, all the good intention in the world won't change it.  We as human beings do have a shadow side.  We hide from it, deny it until it transforms into something out of control.  I feel that denying that it is there is more powerful in manifesting it in our lives than not.

The world is going threw some extremely crazy changes and we all feel it.  I'm not happy about what is going on in the world but I can only change myself.  I can send out all those good intentions and loving energy but until those that live in the shadows are "enlightened" or have the spot light upon them they will continue to do what they are doing. 

I don't particularly like my own shadow side.  I've done things in my life I'm not proud of and some that I'm down right ashamed of but I have looked at it and by being aware of it, have done my best to change those patterns.  It seems to be coming full circle for me right now.  There was a reason I didn't become a parent till I was 30.  My daughter would have been abused horribly as I was.  I have tried my best to do the total opposite of how my parents raised me.  I have tried to maintain a calm, balance and avoid conflict and blind rages.  My daughter will soon be 18 and a few nights ago she threw one to many trigger words my way.  My Shadow Side came out full bore.  My daughter has NEVER witnessed the rage that I hold in check. 

But she became the focus of all that rage that night.  Although I never hit her I did shove her down onto the couch and became possessed with rage, yelling and screaming at her as she cowered like a rabbit in a trap.  She went to her room as I paced the living room only to walk up to her room and kick the door in.  She was terrified for her life at that point.  I saw it, I felt it and I wanted her to know that I did.  I told her she was weak...that if any predator out in the world saw her they would read that weakness and she would be in this same position.   I told her to get the fuck out and take a two hour walk to see what it was like to be homeless. 

"What the hell was I doing!"  I'm ashamed of my actions as I lost total control and demeaned my daughter the one person that has kept me here in this messed up world.  That's not love, that was my shadow side.  The same people I have kept her away from for 14 years.  I see my daughter walking right into that kind of family that I have tried to protect her from when she leaves this house and she won't listen. 

I know that she has her own journey to travel and that it is the only way that she can learn and evolve as a person and find her own inner strength but it is killing me.  Sure it could be the empty nest "syndrome".  I have actually been analyzing this in my own head for days now.  Am I being to damn paranoid? Am I intentionally getting her really angry at me that she proves me wrong.  Am I a horrible Mother... 

I know what awaits her out there, I have lived it.  I have had dreams of only having her for another 5 years....which she calls "Paranoid" trigger word.  "Drama Queen" trigger word..  I sit here and think about the day I have to pick up the pieces.

I sit here and look at other peoples Face Book pictures of these happy go lucky families but I know they aren't what they appear to be.  Not all of them.  I know they have issues some very serious some not so...but we all put up that mask to hide the shadow side.

This is why I'm the black sheep of my family.  I refused to keep up the mask, I talked, I threw the mirror up in their faces and they didn't like what they saw just as I don't like what I see in the mirror right now.  I can't ignore the shadow side of life of myself.  So this is my personal imperfection.  As much as I hate it, I do retain those dark parts of my own mother and father.  I can only hope that I haven't destroyed the most precious, precious gift God ever gave me.

The shadow and the light.
It's not pretty but it's there no matter how hard you try to not pay attention to it.  It is festering out there...and it is time to bring it to light.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Meditation

One of the things I have learned on the Silence Retreat was how I actually meditate.  It comes out with creativity.

I was inspired and went out to buy a HUGE canvas.  And thus the process begins.

Simple enough.  Getting in touch with the Mother Goddess within the woods.  The sun the moon the trees....

Getting rooted into the earth, feeling the pulse of the Mother coming up through my feet.  Opening the inner wisdom that all life is interconnected.  Blossoming forth from the womb of creation.

Until, the completion....

It is through the act of creating, painting, sculpting that I realize my inner rambling voice is quieted.  My focus is steady and I am truly meditating at this point.  It took this painting inspired by silence and the stillness of the woods that I realized, I already know how to meditate.  I know how to quiet the mind.  It was there all the time.  It just took a Spiritual Doula and a Wood Pecker to wake me up to it...

I feel blessed.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I LOVE Full Moons..

So each month I shall take a picture of the full moon (if visible of course).  I missed January's moon but I have February's..

Full Moon Feb, 17th, 2011
Full Moon Feb. 18th, 2011
 Now there are many names for each months full moon...  These are some for the Moon in February.

Each full moon during the year has a traditional name in different human cultures. February's full moon is best known as the Wolf Moon among some Native American tribes.
The Algonquian peoples of North America called it the Snow Moon. Other names are Hunger Moon, Storm Moon, and Candles Moon. In Hindi it is known as Magh Poornima. Its Sinhala (Buddhist) name is Navam Poya.

See you in March Ms. Moon....  to be continued..

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dwelling In The Woods, Silent Retreat with Harmony, Part 2

What is your Quest?
What do you Seek?

 My answer......THIS!

Just being.....with no electromagnetic overloads from t.v.'s, video games, etc.  Nothing but a simple existence free from distraction.  No stress, No worry, just PEACE & QUIET.  The calm within.  I have no restless leg symptoms here, no anxiety.  Unfortunately reality is that I can't be totally away from it.  I have to find this within myself.  I have to be able to call upon this serenity whenever I require it....  My Holy Grail...

What is my Quest?        Connection to my Spiritual Light
What do I Seek?           My inner Buddha the Silence within my own soul
                                    Reconnect with Source

I sat for the longest time contemplating that question.  All too soon morning will come and I will have to leave this Heaven on Earth...

 It's 10:42 p.m. everyone is sleeping and I'm feeling the tension is building in my shoulders as I contemplate going home.  I want to stay here forever...

But before I go to bed this night...I felt the need to rock my socks off outside in the cold, fresh air, in my car rocking away to the hot jams (always inspirational) of D.J. Shelli.......  Rock On Dude.

 Day Three

 It's 5:35 a.m., Up with the birds again, stripped down my bed into a neat little bundle to take to the office.  Got all my things organized and carried the larger items to my car and put them in the trunk....

Came in and I smell coffee brewing away...hum, Harmony is also up?  Sneaky woman must sense my apprehension.  I go and make something to eat but it doesn't taste the same.

I go outside the back door and feed the black capped chickadee's some bread crumbs and leave out some pieces of banana for the squirrels.  The chickadee comes swooping so close I can almost touch him but just out of reach.  I think I felt him swoop and touch my scarf in Thanks.  So I stand back and let him come down to have a snack.

I know he is telling me I will be back. 

 This weekend reminds me of all the times in my youth when we lived in Red Wing when I would climb the bluff behind our house to my favorite Birch Tree.  The limb of this tree extended way out over the drop off and I would climb up on it, way out and just sit.  I loved that tree.  I would also climb higher on the bluff to a meadow area and just sit in the center.  Just BE.  I have no fear of the woods or the critters within it.  I know the rules and am one with them.  Being so different from my own family, not fitting in there for sure.  I fit in more with nature, it nurtures it's occupants in a wonderful symbiotic way.  No judgements.  Everything flows as one and everything is different in it's own way but perfect just the way it is.  To many people in this world need to learn the lessons that can be found here.  Maybe there would be a little bit more Love and Acceptance in the World for those who are "different".

My inner power lies deep within the woods.  In the plants, trees, birds, animals and all the creepy crawly's. Although wood ticks have their place I would prefer to avoid them. ;)   I understand the cycles of life in those woodland areas.  Death of one brings life to the next.  Each symbiotic organism working toward the better good of all.  

I need to begin at home...change the inner sanctum and make a sacred space.  Remove the CHAOS! 

I am going to be making plans after I graduate to spend some time doing Service at The Dwelling In The Woods.   At least 2 weeks to start...;)

Would I recommend a stay at The Dwelling In The Woods?  Have you read this?

YES.........It may be difficult at first especially if your a "A" type personality that is constantly busy, busy, busy and on the go but......... if you surrender to the process, the benefits you will receive are immense. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dwelling in The Woods, Silent Retreat with Harmony

This Blog dedicated to the Songs of Yusef Cat Stevens Islam

Day One.....

 Arrived one hour early to The Dwelling in the Woods.  No surprise there as 1. I'm always early and 2.  Google Maps didn't give me an accurate time of arrival...  Along the way I was given, shown, honored, overwhelmed and titillated to see soaring above the road in my direction a HUGE eagle!  I did scramble the best I could to grab my camera while driving to get a picture but alas, it was not to be.  I got the meaning though!  Soooooo, arrived and greeted the owner and of course bought some chatski's  while waiting for Harmony to arrive.  In drives Harmony and away we the wonderful Octagon Dwelling.

On a side note here, I have been doing some research on all the Mother of Teresa's and one in particular....Mother Teresa of Avila who I might add was also know as St. Teresa of Jesus.  What does this have to do with this Silent Retreat you may add?  St. Teresa is best known for her "Devotions of Silence".  So interesting that I had been researching her and boom, I'm on a Silence Retreat.  So things kind of come together Serendipitously.  She was also a reader of Mystic texts.....wink wink.

We finally all arrived and got our rooms situated and then shared a meal and then began by going over the guidelines for the weekend.  Did some meditation exercises and had an all about good time giggling at the childlike wonder of Dana and the Rain Sticks.

Harmony even worked on me prior to Dana's arrival as I had and have a tooth that is bothering me big time but I wouldn't let that prevent me from attending.

We went for a lovely walk along the trails and got some much needed fresh air and good vibrations outside.  When all was done, Harmony and Dana went to there rooms to either a. sleep or b. meditate on the weekend.  I'm not sure as I ran outside to partake in my evil habit and take some FABULOUS shots of the moon.... I'm being followed by a Moon Shadow, Moon Shadow, Moon Shadow...

Off I went to bed....early for me at 11 p.m.

Day Deux

 Morning has broken, like the first morning........Blackbird has spoken.....

Day Two.....Complete Silence....

 For most people this would be hard to do...not me.  I love it.  I have sought it out all my life when I've needed to recharge after an over stimulating world.  So.......on to day two....

 6:30 a.m.  Woke up with anticipation.  Quickly looked out the window to see if I could see the sun rising....alas no...So I quickly got dressed and took my camera with me..(it's attached at the hip).  I walked to the end of the driveway into the road.  Facing East I caught the shimmer of the deep pink rising sun in the distance.  I stood there for 10 minutes greeting the spirit of the East as it's morning rays began to rise up and begin a new day of hope.  I then walked back to our cottage as the snow gently began falling.  Just a light powdering falling.  The air fresh and clean in my lungs until of course I got to the cottage and had to have a smoke before going in.  (surprisingly I smoked 1 pack in 3 days)

7:00 a.m.

Came inside and prepared  a fresh pot of coffee for my other soul sista's asleep upstairs.  Then I ate a wonderful bowl of oatmeal.   NUM NUM for the TUM TUM.

I then proceeded to walk around the cottage and landed in the one of the little libraries and was looking at the books when boom....a book jumped out at me....You guessed it.....Mother Teresa, No Greater Love.  Well seen as I've been researching all St. Theresa's in my book she counts as one and I proceeded to grab the book and start reading.

Sat outside on the stoop wrapped in my blanket and of course had to have a smoke and it was most quiet...  Whats that?  Then I hear, knock, knock, knock, knock.  I'm looking around for the source of the sound and over in the distance on a branch high up was a wood pecker.  I'm wondering what this is I tuned in further...and it must have been his favorite tree as he was most diligently pecking away at it.

It reminds me of Morse code and although I was never a boy scout and did not understand the exact message coming through, I felt in my heart and soul that it was for me.  This was confirmation was confirmed when he sent a vision into my brain case...  Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail popped into my head.  As the Knights are reaching the cross bridge they are met by a very old man in raggedy diaper britches, with a sly grin upon his face.  I think this "man" is God.  Yes, in one of his many disguises to throw you off his trail.  He gets his message across one way or another...and I think he is a word.....Platypus.

I walk to the bridge and the questions are put before me.......

WHAT is your Quest?
 WHAT do you Seek?

 Although he was most gracious and didn't ask me what the high speed velocity of an Eagle holding two coconuts was......Thank You...  Again, comedian.

 So, throughout the day these two questions have been running through my head.

 WHAT is your Quest?
 WHAT do you Seek?

I'm seriously starting to question those Wood Peckers now.

At 9:30 a.m. Harmony gently knocks on my door and hands me a book with a page marked with a little note.  The book....Mother Earth Spirituality marked at The Sweat Lodge Ceremony.  The note; "for your sweat if you want to read it" .  Well, I have been having the urge for about 6 months or more to do a Sweat Lodge and lo and behold, The Dwelling has an outdoor SAUNA!

Well after reading this chapter I quickly grabbed the items I needed, threw on my shorts and sweat pants and merrily walked on down to the Sauna..  It takes about 40 minutes for the ice cold room to get to temperature once you make a fine fire.  I'm good at making fire and it helps when they have the neatest starting materials.  Little paper egg carton cups with paraffin in them.  Makes life much easier.

So as I wait for the room to heat up, I walk up to the main house with the bucket and get some water and go back down to the sauna.  Put some offers out and prepared to enter the dark, warm, womb of the Mother.  I also grabbed a pine branch to bring in with me along with my gift from Harmony of a sage/mullein bundle and my tobacco and sage from home.  Dropped down to my skives aka shorts, grabbed everything and walked inside.

Dropped some water on those hot rocks and SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the steam begins....I place the wet pine branch on the rocks along with my sage/mullein bundle and can smell the sweet smell of mullein and lavender and sage with a touch of pine.  Sat in there for a good 20 minutes, threw more wood in the stove and stepped out for a cool off in the snow.  

Went back in again for round two and by the time the next 20 minutes was up the temp in the room was a hot, steamy 130 degrees so out I came for another cool down in the snow and a quick drink of water...You can see the steam coming off me.

Yes, I look miserable but went back in for a third round!  The toxins were pouring out of me and I definitely needed it.  I have learned one inside the sauna are not that good...

but the benefits of this purification are you can tell by the happy grin as I completed round 4.......

 One last snow bath and into the hut I went to put my shirt on...but I walked back to the cottage in my shorts and t-shirt carrying my coat as it felt wonderful...  Went into the cottage where I saw Dana sitting on the couch doing some reading and with eye and hand gestures told her to go to the sauna!  I realise I have been at the sauna for a little over 2 hours now and the need to shower is great.....Sweaty toxins need to go bye bye.  Jumped into the shower and just let it go down the drain...

Ah, refreshed and reinvigorated....  Got dressed and proceeded  to go down for lunch.  A fabulous meal prepared by the Ladies at the Dwelling.  The Food Is FABULOUS!  Although my IBS is not used to such good, natural meals and did some complaining.  I went and took a two hour nap.

Upon waking I found that the others had gone for a walk in the woods.  I dressed and went my own way out into the wilderness.  It is a wonderment as to the beauty that surrounds us in the natural world.  The sun setting in the west with brilliant colors, trees all around,tall, majestic beings guarding, encouraging and showing the way.  No hurry they whisper, one step at a time, stop to take it all in.  Energy pulses up from the interconnected underground roots of life.  The pulse of the Mother beating through my feet with each step I take.


 To be continued  ;)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Negative Brain Chatter

Once again I'm in Manic mode.....I've slept maybe 3 hours in 48 hours and yet again....I'm still awake.  Toss and turn toss and turn, to hell with it, may as well get up and go back on the computer.  Yet, I know that out there you are sleeping peacefully with lovely dreams or just getting up and getting ready to go to work.   So I sit here and talk to myself.  The whole thing with laying in bed staring up at the ceiling is the negative brain chatter that goes on. 

You can't do this, you can't do that, your not good enough, why bother, ya ya ya de da...I say this to my brain chatter....Fuck Off but yet I still become consumed with it's negative rantings.

It's a catch 22.....running in a circular wheel like a very bored hamster, just running to get somewhere and getting no where.  Nibble some kibble, poop and get back on that wheel.  I sometimes wonder if those poor hamsters become OCD about running on them after awhile.  They must, how boring are their lives.  Oh sure they have some dedicated human who will come to feed them, give them water, clean there cage and maybe if it's a really good week, take them out for some interaction and all the time the hamster is thinking, "GOT TO RUN ON THE WHEEL GOT TO RUN ON THE WHEEL" no wonder the majority of them bite.

And yet there are the crafty little buggers who shake their tiny little paw up at the ceiling and say, "NO!  I WILL NOT BE CAGED TO THIS EXSISTENCE!"  Those are the smart ones that always seem to find a way to escape....Run to the wild, the little hamster Fonze's in there black leather jackets jumping over the shark or cat infested waters on their little ski's. 

I feel like the OCD hamster personally but dream of one day being the hamster Fonze.  If only that negative brain chatter would stop.

That is all.........

Monday, January 3, 2011


I have come to the conclusion that
I have been the outsider, the watcher always looking in,
always yearning to be a part of something bigger,
You fear me, as I am silent or you do not have the compacity to understand
that which is me.
I am the mirror image of you that you do not wish to see,
I am all that is good and all that is bad in this world.
I am the rider in the dark night swinging my lantern for all to see,
but you shut the me out,
what is it that you fear to see

I am the humanity of the lowest forms
the battered, abused
the gentle and cruel
the ugliness of reality
that most wish to turn away from.

The shadow self walking in the light for all to see
is this what you fear
Your crystal castle up on high
blinded by the rays of the sun
I see the radiance
I bathe in it's light
in the underbelly of life

You can choose to walk with your bridled blinders on
but the reality is still the same
we are but mirrored images
we are one in the same
can you accept that?